Ninezerotech can accept the following payment methods:
By Telegraphic Transfer ( T/T):
A telegraphic transfer is an electronic method of transferring funds utilized primarily for overseas wire transactions. Telegraphic transfers are also known as telex transfers, abbreviated TT; Typically telegraphic transfer is complete within two to four business days, depending on the origin and destination of the transfer, as well as any currency exchange requirements.
Required Information for a Telegraphic Transfer
Certain information regarding the sender and destination are required to complete the transfer. Whether a person transfers funds between two accounts that are both held in his name, or between two accounts held by two different individuals, the most pertinent information required for the transfer are the account numbers and information regarding the corresponding financial institutions.
If you want to transfer the money to our account, please contact us.
By Letter of Credit (L/C):
A letter of credit is a document from a bank that guarantees payment. There are several types of letters of credit, and they can provide security when buying and selling products or services.
Seller protection: If a buyer fails to pay a seller, the bank that issued a letter of credit must pay the seller as long as the seller meets all of the requirements in the letter. This provides security when the buyer and seller are in different countries.
Buyer protection: Letters of credit can also protect buyers. If you pay somebody to provide a product or service and they fail to deliver, you might be able to get paid using a standby letter of credit. That payment can be a penalty to the company that was unable to perform, and it’s similar to a refund. With the money you receive, you can pay somebody else to provide the product or service needed.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a letter of credit?
Often in international trade, a letter of credit is used to signify that a payment will be made to the seller on time, and in full, as guaranteed by a bank or financial institution. By sending a letter of credit, the bank will charge a fee, typically a percentage of the letter of credit, in addition to requiring collateral from the buyer. Among the various forms of letters of credit are a revolving letter of credit, commercial letter of credit, and confirmed letter of credit.
What is an example of a letter of credit?
Consider an exporter in an unstable economic climate, where credit may be more difficult to obtain. The Bank of America would offer this buyer a letter of credit, available within two business days, in which the purchase would be guaranteed by a Bank of America branch. Because the bank and the exporter have an existing relationship, the bank is knowledgeable of the buyer's creditworthiness, assets, and financial status.
What is the difference between a commercial letter of credit and a revolving letter of credit?
As one of the most common forms of letters of credit, commercial letters of credit are when the bank makes payment directly to the beneficiary, or seller. Revolving letters of credit, by contrast, can be used for multiple payments within a specific time frame. Typically, these are used for businesses that have an ongoing relationship, with the time limit of the arrangement usually spanning one year.
If you want to transfer the money to our account, please contact us.
By PayPal:
Please send the payment to our PayPal account if you would like to pay via PayPal;
Please note the Paypal Transaction Number once you complete payment, and advise us the transfer ID. Once payment is confirmed, we will process and prepare your order.